During an Intuitive Soulguidance Reading I’m tuning into your energy and receive messages that are important for your Soul’s growth and your Soul’s journey.The messages I receive can also be about a specific area of your life.
In case you’ve got specific questions about your personal and/or spiritual growth and development or a question about your love life with the aim of wanting to experience more self-love, they will also be answered.
The reading will give you many insights and clarity about yourself and your Soul’s journey!
You will always receive the messages, guidance and Soul-activations that you need, which will help you to create shifts within yourself and in your life!
50 min. live reading via Google Meet
*All Soul sessions are available in Dutch & English, depending on what resonates best with you.
A Soul Empowermentsession will give you an energetical tune up when you’re feeling stuck or a bit off track in your Soul’s growth and in your Soul’s journey!
During the session you will create a quick, but lasting, shift in your awareness which will help you to see the things that you were dealing with, from a Higher and more Divine perspective…
This will make you feel empowered, inspired, activated, connected and tuned into yourself on a deeper Soul level!
With a clear mind and being connected to your true essence and inner guidance, you will automatically get the Soulutions and energetical shifts that you need!
45 min. session via Google Meet
*All Soul sessions are available in Dutch & English, depending on what resonates best with you.
Lightlanguage is the language of your Soul and can be used as a powerful and beautiful way to assist in your healing journey.
This Soul language helps you to ground yourself in a deeper connection with your true essence!
A Personal Lightlanguage Transmissionsession helps to transmute, release, unlock & activate all that is needed within yourself and within your own energyfield. It creates powerful and deep Soul transformations and helps you to remember and embody your WHOLE Self and all your Divine aspects.
This form of Energyhealing can be done in many different ways, such as with vocal sounds, movements, mudras, lightcode-drawings etc.
The Divine transmissions will always flow according to what’s needed in order to effectively clear out blocks and stagnant energy and immediately impact deeper levels of your mind, body, Soul & Spirit!
It also has a healing and renewing effect on your physical reality and life…As within, So without.
All you have to do is set the intention to receive the transmission that I’ll be channeling. Don’t try to decipher it with your mind, tune into your Heart and Soul and let the Divine Source Energy do its thing…
The session starts with a grounding meditation.
During & (when needed) after each session you will receive written/drawn Lightcodes & Healing messages to meditate with.
These extra “Activationcodes” will help to unlock and embody more of your Soul’s essence.
3x 40 min. sessions via Google Meet
*All Soul sessions are available in Dutch & English, depending on what resonates best with you.
Healing on a Soul-level with Divine transmissions & Healing messages
During the sessions I’m serving as a medium for the transmission of healing energy that will be send to you.
Energy ALWAYS knows its way and where its needed, so all you have to do is to find a quiet & safe space where you can sit or lay down and set the intention to receive the healing!
After each session we will connect via Zoom and we will share what has come up during the session.
You will also receive healing messages to assist you with your Healing- & Integration process.
3 x 30 min. Distance Healingsessions
3 x 20 min. After-Healingsessions including Healing messages via Google Meet
*All Soul sessions are available in Dutch & English, depending on what resonates best with you.